Friday, March 2, 2018

Okay, maybe I pushed a little to much today! No pain, no gain?

My little flower girl!
Harper Picked a flower to wear in her hair while on a short walk in front of the house! She just loves the outdoors!

Look how nice my Grandson looked today. He had to do an oral presentation on George Gershwin.
He redid it for us at home, and I must say he did very good!

Had to make pizza dough again today. Of course my little helper had to help, lol. I hand her all the ingredients and she puts them on the table. I measure them out and she puts them in the bowl. Then she dumps everything in the mixer for me! Makes twice as much work, but she enjoys helping her Pop!

The Old Buzzard and the Little Princess Cooking Show! Hum, call Food Network, lol! Gotta make those memories while you can.

My lunch today, Tomato and Basil with Feta and Mushrooms!

Now for the pushing to hard and overdoing it part! Yes against my better judgement I went ahead and mowed my yard, my daughters yard, and our elderly neighbors yard for the first time this year. It wasn't an easy task to say the least! Completely ruined me for the day, but I still managed to cook dinner for my Grandson, daughter and me. I don't know how I am even doing the blog tonight. I didn't do one last night because I was feeling so bad, and now I feel worse , but here I am. Talk about being Italian and backwards, lol!

Got to edge the driveway!

And edge along the road. I built that little corner post, lol!

My neighbors yard!

Well, I going to go to bed now, I am very, very fatigued and hurting a little! At least the yards look nice!

Thank you to those of you who have returned to follow up on me! I appreciate you all! May God bestow many Blessings upon you all! Thanks again, Mike P.


  1. You make me tired!! But happy!! Many blessings back at ya!!

  2. They are so cute! Yes, that sounds like you mowing everyone's lawn! Italian pride. I like it dad! But take it easy!

  3. Stubborn old coot! Moving is good, over doing it is not. Riley looks so different. Harper just keeps growing. Must be all the delicious pizza. Love you, bless you!
