Saturday, March 3, 2018

On the Roll today, Hot Dog Roll, that is!

Tired and sore today, such a little wimp, I am! Of course with all my health things going on, I finally caught the cold two days ago everyone else in the house has had. I know, I have to much wine and not enough cheese to go around. My wife said she is going to hire someone to play the violin, then maybe I won't wine so much!

Made another delicious Tomato and Basil Pizza for lunch. 

For dinner I made myself a Hot Dog Roll, well, to eat that is, I didn't actually turn myself into a Hot Dog Roll! I used some Cheddar and Mozzarella cheeses, two sliced up Applegate Hot Dogs, Spicy brown mustard, Some homemade ketchup, and just a little dill relish. Wrapped it all in a pizza dough and baked at 475 for 12 minutes! Pretty tasty!

I suppose people are getting tired of my posts, they do seem to be pretty much the same. I had asked in an earlier post if anyone had any requests for any of my recipes or such, help me out a little, lol! Not to many views anymore. Oh well, it gives me something to do anyhow!

For those who do read...thank you for following me, taking suggestions, lol! God Bless and good night to you all, Mike P.


  1. Yummy-hot dog roll looks great!

  2. Italian smart dog roll for me please. Still want to know how to make the sub rolls. Love you Mike! Bless you! Guess who? Did I ever tell you how much I love flowers? Jess says that is part of my healing process.

  3. We all love ya even if we don't comment too often. I think more people look at your posts than you realize. Yes, submit those recipes! And you don't need to hire anyone, you have legitimate reasons to whine. I think everyone else whines a lot more over a lot less than you're dealing with. We're here for you!

    1. Haha...grammer has never been my! Thanks for teaching me the correct spelling...whine

  4. I love reading your blog, always makes me hungry. Lol
