Monday, March 19, 2018 all about it!

This is Mike's sister again.  Mike has ups and downs.   Still in hospital.   Doctor is going to do procedure again,  hoping to give Mike a little more comfort.  Basically, he will have home health then palliative care.  As Mike said, two days, two weeks who knows.   However, if you plan to visit, I hope you make it sooner than later. 
Today Mike had cheese fries, and a peanut butter milkshake.  It's been like ten or fifteen years from having that. Then he had the chills.  I said, hey Mike is it good? Response, man is it sweet.
Enjoying family visiting, a phone call from friends, our niece, and cousin Cecil.
Thanks for checking back.  Love and blessings! Mike P.

Sunday, March 18, 2018

Update on Mike!

This is Mike's sister reporting for Mike.  Procedure did not really work.  Hospital wanted to send Mike home Friday, but tubes to bile duct were clogged.  They showed him what to do, but flushing is not unclogging the tubes either. He was to go home yesterday, but Val was sick.  They keep him again today because Val was still sick.  She is better now.  Mike however has not had a good day.  He is feeling really sick and nauseated, weak and tired.  They said he will go home anyway tomorrow .  Loss of appetite, and pain too.

Blessings, Mike P.

Thursday, March 15, 2018

Result of the doctors visit to my room!

My new nurse's aide taking me for a walk!

Her reward!
The doctor came in today and the tubes never started draining. They were clogged already. He syphoned them and got them flowing. He is coming back later to show me how to do it because it would need to be done daily so I don't continue to have an infection. Asked my prognosis and he said I hate telling people that, but the cancer is winning. Two days...two weeks or two months, it is hard to say because I have already done much better than any thought. So there you go...quack...quack...quack, time to get my ducks in a row...quack! Oh my, I am quacking up! Love and blessings y'all, Mike P.

Lots and lots of pain...and its all mine, lol!

Ever since having the double biliary bypasses done I have been in terrible excruciating pain. Waiting for the GI doctors to come up and talk with me. Meanwhile I just try to lay still. That seems to work best.

My wonderful friend and sister in Christ, Judi Null did a segment on the news in Ruston, Louisiana to talk about my walk and trying to bring awareness to the gofundme she had set up for me to help with our medical bills and to help get things to bring some more comfort to me. If you don't mind would you please share and prayer. God Bless, Mike P. Fred

Sunday, March 11, 2018

Waiting patient to find out what's next! Mean while Val is taking over my pizza skills!

Not feeling well...pain meds are not working like before. So today is just pics! Thanks for checking on me. And Val did good on her pizza! Blessings everyone, Mike P.

Percutaneous Biliary Drainage

Still feeling horrible. One tumor is causing a lot of thick mucus which keeps causing blockage. The doctors are still discussing on how to proceed, but are leaning towards a

Percutaneous Biliary Drainage and a possible killing of that one tumor.

Those are about my only options to bring some comfort. And as with anything, there is no guarantee that any of it will work or that it can all be done. Will find out Monday how they will proceed...and they will proceed on Monday as well. Looks like I will be here at least till Tuesday or Wednesday!

Thanks for checking in on me..God Bless, Mike P.

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

The outcome of yesterdays procedure at the hospital!

After all the trouble of the cancer center and the Gastrointestinal office getting through to each other, I was afraid the procedure wouldn't get done. So yesterday morning I called the Gastro office my self. 
She told me she left two or three messages at the cancer center needing more info and they never responded, so she said give me 1 to 1 1/12 hours and I will see what I can do. She called back an hour and a half later and said to go to the hospital and the Doctor will do the procedure!

So the doctor comes to talk to me before the procedure, he was really a very nice and down to earth person. He went over everything that he thought would or could happen in detail, spending about a half hour with me before the procedure. He tells me he only had my last two ERCP reports and the abdominal MRI that was done in December. But from reviewing them he told me he did not think I would need the Endoscopic Ultra Sound that the Vanderbilt specialist called for. If you remember from an earlier blog, she said the blockage didn't seem to come from the liver but from below the bile duct. He said I don't understand why the other GI in December put the stint in that he did, and then had to remove it because it didn't work. He told me, what I would like to do if you agree is put a permanent stint in which would be a little larger than the bile duct itself , and that the bile duct would become a part of it growing between the mesh, making it a permanent part. But there could still be a chance of clogging, but the least chance by using that type of stint, and that if needed it would not interfere with being cleaned out if it became necessary. And he said depending on what he found he may put in more than one stint. 

So off I go to the surgery room. The anesthesiologist was also so kind and reassuring, kept telling me he would be there the whole time. So there I am in the surgery room and the next thing I know, Goodnight, lights out. I was gone! When I woke up in recovery he came over and spent at least another half hour going over all he did and diagramming it for me. So this is what he found. First off he told me he was going to use a camera small enough to get up into where the bile duct branches off to the other ducts, which the other GI said he did, but couldn't really see anything because of the mucus. Well what he found was one of the tumors in the liver was the culprit in causing the mucus in one of the smaller ducts, yes it was from the liver, so much for the specialist at Vanderbilt. He put a stint in where the leakage was to keep that open and then another not far from that. So altogether he put in three stints. He cleaned it all out really good and took plenty of pics of it all! He was going to call the Oncologist to have me referred to a Radiation Oncologist to see if it would be possible to do localized radiation on that tumor. He said it wouldn't have any affect on life expectancy, but would help alleviate the problem and bring more comfort to me. So know I have to wait to here about that. He also said there was some puss in there also, so he put me on two antibiotics that are high doses twice a day for five days. Now my question is, this was all done as an outpatient procedure, so why all the other times did I have to spent 5 days in the hospital at $300.00 a day co-pays? Hum! So happy I found this guy and my new Primary Care Doctor. I told him my Oncologist said it wasn't the cancer making me tired, and he had no idea why I was so fatigued. The New GI looked at me like I was crazy and said, why would he say that? Of course it's the cancer along with the bile duct and everything else going on, just as the primary care told me! He asked me if I was still eating and I said yes, it might sound weird, but I cannot or have no desire to eat a lot of things I was eating, and he said that it wasn't weird, it is one of the signs of the cancer. So far a blessing! Very knowledgeable, and patient, taking his time to make sure I understood everything.

I asked him if he came across this type of problem often. He said it was common, but he had never seen one with such thick mucus and as bad as mine was. I laughed to myself thinking, well it took over a month to get any action! He said my bile duct was swollen about as big around as his thumb. The normal size is 4.1 mm. where as mine was about 15 mm!

Okay, consider yourself updated! thanks for checking on me, stay tuned, more drama to follow, lol! Blessings to you all, thanks so much, Mike P.

P.S. My friend in Louisiana who gave me the courtesy checkup and was responsible for the cancer being discovered, Judi, set up this Gofundme to help us out with medical bills if anyone would like to donate, by all means, but if you cannot afford to, do not do it or feel you have to, a prayer and a share would mean just as much. Prayers go a long way!      Again, God Bless, Mike P.

Monday, March 5, 2018

Oncologist today!

Pizza bread with cream cheese, cinnamon, and honey for breakfast!
I had an appointment with the Oncologist today for blood work, port flush, and to talk about what the Dr. from Vanderbilt said. Of course as always, my blood work was great except for the liver enzymes. I explained to him about BCBS changing their tune on coverage and I needed to go to someone around here. I suggested one I looked up and he knew him and so he was going to call and speak to him. After leaving his nurse called and asked if I could go the the hospital in the morning, that the Doctor could do it then. Okay! She said they would call back about the times and all. Yea, okay, like that happened. So three hours later I call to see what was going on, the nurse said that it was sent to the checkout desk for scheduling. So five minutes before they close, my wife calls again! Scheduling said the other Dr.'s office was having phone problems and they would call her back....nothing! Now the Oncologist told me he spoke to the other Doctor and that he would do it in the morning. So where does that leave me? Hum, good question, only everyone is gone and there is no one to check with. So I call the hospital to see if they had anything scheduled, well, by then the scheduling department was closed and the recording said to call during regular business hours, goodbye, and that was that. So here I am living in limbo, OMG!

Non of the CT's from before ever mentioned the second tumor of size, so that was new to the Oncologist too! I told him the Doctor at Vandy more less said there wasn't really anything I could do that would be of any benefit because of the number of tumors and on both sides of the liver. He called back later again to tell me my cancer markers went from 29.4 or 24.9, I don't remember, to 42.6. Normal is 0-3! they haven't been that high since I had the original tumor in Louisiana! And again was told the Doctor was going to do the EUS in the morning, and that the checkout desk was working on it. That was around four, and we know how that went already!

Then I get home and I have a bill from the GI I saw before going to Vanderbilt. Now they charged me the co-pay before anything. The bill showed the co-pay, and said I owed a balance of 115.00. So once again my wife calls BCBS to see if it was or wasn't filed with them. Well it was, but they sent it back because it had the wrong code. Guess they jumped the gun instead of resubmitting the bill and billed me. Well, kudos to BCBS for this one, they said they will straighten it out tomorrow. Am I being tested or what. I guess I need to be because I was letting it get to me. I should know better, but when you are tired and sick, it is easy to forget to leave it in God's Hands and walk away! Guess I should be thankful for the test since I needed it as a reminder!

I mustered all my energy to make more pizza dough since I used the last one for pizza bread. Got it done and everything cleaned though. Here are some pics from the last couple of days...I just couldn't bring myself to blog. I am forcing it now, but surviving, lol!

Homemade Ketchup, and mustard!

Hot dogs and mozzarella added.

One good looking and tasting Hot Dog Pizza!


Homemade Pizza Bread. And some great only 4 ingredient cream cheese I got on sale at Publix for $0.30!

Smeared some on the bread, sprinkled cinnamon and drizzled honey...heaven! 

Baked Brown Rice Ziti with mozzarella, ricotta, Parmesan and sliced up Hot Dog. And yes, it was delicious!

Todays Pizza Dough!

Another pizza bread for dinner, it was so good the other day at breakfast!

Don't the bread look good! 

Made a cream cheese honey and cinnamon spread this time.
Was a great dinner!

Well thanks for stopping by and reading my blah, blah, blog! Love you all, many Blessings, Mike P.

Saturday, March 3, 2018

On the Roll today, Hot Dog Roll, that is!

Tired and sore today, such a little wimp, I am! Of course with all my health things going on, I finally caught the cold two days ago everyone else in the house has had. I know, I have to much wine and not enough cheese to go around. My wife said she is going to hire someone to play the violin, then maybe I won't wine so much!

Made another delicious Tomato and Basil Pizza for lunch. 

For dinner I made myself a Hot Dog Roll, well, to eat that is, I didn't actually turn myself into a Hot Dog Roll! I used some Cheddar and Mozzarella cheeses, two sliced up Applegate Hot Dogs, Spicy brown mustard, Some homemade ketchup, and just a little dill relish. Wrapped it all in a pizza dough and baked at 475 for 12 minutes! Pretty tasty!

I suppose people are getting tired of my posts, they do seem to be pretty much the same. I had asked in an earlier post if anyone had any requests for any of my recipes or such, help me out a little, lol! Not to many views anymore. Oh well, it gives me something to do anyhow!

For those who do read...thank you for following me, taking suggestions, lol! God Bless and good night to you all, Mike P.

Friday, March 2, 2018

Okay, maybe I pushed a little to much today! No pain, no gain?

My little flower girl!
Harper Picked a flower to wear in her hair while on a short walk in front of the house! She just loves the outdoors!

Look how nice my Grandson looked today. He had to do an oral presentation on George Gershwin.
He redid it for us at home, and I must say he did very good!

Had to make pizza dough again today. Of course my little helper had to help, lol. I hand her all the ingredients and she puts them on the table. I measure them out and she puts them in the bowl. Then she dumps everything in the mixer for me! Makes twice as much work, but she enjoys helping her Pop!

The Old Buzzard and the Little Princess Cooking Show! Hum, call Food Network, lol! Gotta make those memories while you can.

My lunch today, Tomato and Basil with Feta and Mushrooms!

Now for the pushing to hard and overdoing it part! Yes against my better judgement I went ahead and mowed my yard, my daughters yard, and our elderly neighbors yard for the first time this year. It wasn't an easy task to say the least! Completely ruined me for the day, but I still managed to cook dinner for my Grandson, daughter and me. I don't know how I am even doing the blog tonight. I didn't do one last night because I was feeling so bad, and now I feel worse , but here I am. Talk about being Italian and backwards, lol!

Got to edge the driveway!

And edge along the road. I built that little corner post, lol!

My neighbors yard!

Well, I going to go to bed now, I am very, very fatigued and hurting a little! At least the yards look nice!

Thank you to those of you who have returned to follow up on me! I appreciate you all! May God bestow many Blessings upon you all! Thanks again, Mike P.

Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Well, looks like I have been had again!

My lunch....Tomato and Basil!

I still hadn't heard from Vanderbilt about seeing the other Dr. there for the EUS. so my wife calls BCBS to see what is happening with it. They say they have no request to see that Dr. as of yet. Okay, I am sitting at home suffering this whole time, wondering how long I will last like this! Well, maybe I am a little dramatic about it, but here is the kicker. They say we just show that you are approved to see the Liver Specialist through the end of the year....ready for the kicker now...approved for OUT OF NETWORK VISITS. Uhm, hello. The whole reason was to get approval for in network because we cannot afford the mounting medical bills already. 
She says the approval department says in network, but the letter they got back says out of network, and we have to go by the letter. So my question is....IS EVERYTHING A SCAM! Question answered I guess! Thanks alot....back to square one!

Anyhow, on a lighter note, I am getting ready to eat something to take my pills with! I made a Pizza with Pineapple, Cinnamon, Honey and Ricotta! I am sure that will make everything go away,  wait, wait, not my readers too, lol!


Love you all, thanks for letting me clear my chest! Wishing everyone a Blessed night! Mike P.

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Me and Harper picking up where we left off yesterday morning. LOL!

Some things never change, lol! Always tired anymore! Can't say we don't have our bonding time!

Mixed some tart cherries and honey with some delicious ricotta my daughter brought me for my breakfast this I could take my pills.

For lunch I made the below scrumptious Pineapple, Ricotta, Honey drizzle and Cinnamon Pizza! My wife wanted pineapple chunks but grabbed the wrong can. Naturally, me being as kind as I am, said I would use it. So happy she made the mistake. See, something good always comes out of a bad situation, and believe me, it was good. 

Did I eat the whole thing you ask, (snicker,snicker) well sure I did. It reminded me of a song...Lovin every minute of it! Oh my, I am just full of humor today! Well, and Pizza!

Since I had the oven on, I went ahead and cooked another pizza dough bread. With half I made a Smoked Mozzarella, Roasted Red pepper and spicy brown mustard sandwich. I saved the other half to toast and put honey on for my meal tonight so I could take my Meds. Didn't get any sandwich pics, you know when you get old the mind is the first thing to go! Apparently, mine packed up and moved out. The upside is, nothing is there to rattle any more! 

Posting these pics just made me hungry all over again.

I wish BCBS would hurry up and approve or turn down another trip to Vandy so I can get something resolved. Everyday I feel weaker and weaker, but at least I still got my sense of humor, even if it is a bad one!

Well, wishing everyone a good and restful night, many Blessings your way, Mike P.

Monday, February 26, 2018

Drooling, and not over food pics, lol!

What started out as this, turned into.....

this. And that was about an hour or two after getting up!

At least my wife was kind enough to wipe the DROOL off of our faces before snapping the pic! Thanks Dear! Since I have been having the bile duct issues, I am like this all the time! Sometimes going to bed two or three times a day! Harper has a cold so she zonked out with her Pop. She was out for a couple of hours, man my shoulder was sore, and her head was on my port the whole time!

This is becoming a familiar scene also! When I am up doing things, I sometimes have to sit for a while in between. Here I was too tired to wait to take a pizza out of the oven, so the chair was a welcomed fixture! And of course Harpie had to be there with me...I created a monster!

I finished the delicious cheesecake pizza for breakfast this morning with several cups of coffee! I have to take some meds with food in the morning and then at night, which works out great for me...another excuse to eat, oh yea! I had a Roasted Red Pepper Pizza for lunch and cooked a pizza dough bread for my dinner while I was at it!


I actually prefer the pizza bread better than the sub rolls. I like the crispy crust and chewiness of it better. Plus I can use the same dough for everything. I even made sugar free cinnamon rolls with it last week. I used honey and cinnamon, and after baking, I drizzled it with more honey! Next time I may drizzle chocolate ganache over them! I never took pics of them, someone ate them before I could! It might have been me, but I will never tell!

I thank you for coming back, many blessings your way, God Bless, Mike P.  Hope to see you again soon!

Look at the talent my helper has!