Monday, January 22, 2018

Today's Adventure....Doctors!

What a day! Went to my first appointment today with my new primary care doctor.
My nebulizer treatments were not working. He prescribed Symbacort and a rescue inhaler for my breathing. Didn't seem to concerned about my ascending Aorta aneurysm. He said it wasn't big enough for surgery. That I knew..was just concerned because it never showed up on other scans in the past. He also thinks the cancer has more of an affect on me than I know! That was about it for that visit.

From there I went to my Oncologist for my two month checkup with him. Told him about the aneurysm and asked why it never showed up before. He checked my last scan in March and said the report said it didn't find anything problems with the he is going to send me to a vascular doctor just to be safe and check it out. Told him about the three bile duct cleanouts in the month of December, so he is going to try to get my insurance to approve going to Vanderbuilt to see what their opinion is on that. The next thing I asked him was the size of the largest tumor in the liver. He checked the March report and said 2.9. The MRI and scans at the hospital showed it to be 5 cm. So since March that tumor has doubled. Five cm. is just about two inches. Which he said was a pretty good size. He asked about chemo and I told him the only chemo I would think about was just to treat it locally and not a systematic treatment. We decided to take the wait and see approach for now because with everything else going on he didn't want to pump me with chemicals at this time.
By the time I got out of his appointment, it was after 1pm.
I hit a couple of stores and the pharmacy on the way home. By the time I got to the house it was just after 3:00. Man was I pooped!
Had to make pizza dough after cooking supper because I promised my bank ladies I would bring them a white pizza for lunch. Now I am double! Gotta love it. Hoping the inhalers bring some relief tomorrow! Just wanted to update those that know me and my circumstance. To those who don't know got a free! Blessing everyone...peace out! Mike P.

Food comforting, lol!


  1. I keep praying for you.Then prayers for your Dr's. Prayers for your family. Now, about that Calzone, that has my name on it!!! On my list of what I want to make soon is Stromboli. It has been very long since I made's time! Prayers and blessings to you, friend!
