Tuesday, January 30, 2018

What does a fig pizza, baked spaghetti and a pizzadilla have in common?

Me...I ate them all today...lol!

Oh my, the fig pizza I made was a wonderful but sweet breakfast.

To make the pizza, I took 5 dried figs, poured enough boiling water over them to cover. I let them sit out for 15 minutes, then put them in the refrigerator for two days with the water and all...covered. This morning I took a 3 ounce pizza dough I made the other day and stretched it out. I put a nice layer of ricotta cheese as a base...sprinkled some cinnamon, nutmeg and just a small pinch of ground cloves on the ricotta. I took the figs out of the water and sliced them in thirds or quarters depending in how big they were, reserving one. Put the slices on the pizza and barely drizzled a little honey on that. I then put it into a 500 degree oven for 11 minutes.

While that was cooking, I took the insides out of the reserved fig and added it to the fig water.  I chopped 3 dates into a small dice and added that to the water along with a 1/2 tsp. Of vanilla and a 1/2 tsp of honey. I reduced that down, enjoying the aroma as it cooked to a thick syrup. After taking the pizza out of the oven, I spooned the syrup all around the pizza and and brushed the crust with a little for the shine. I am not proud to say, I ate every bit and even licked the plate. Next time I make this, I think I will add some caramelized Vidalia onions and Paleo bacon to it. It is a must try y"all! Using the dried figs and soaking them is better in my opinion...they stay so soft and tender even after baking, plus it adds more sweetness that way also!

Now for the Baked Spaghetti.  I did it in a skillet on the stove top.

Sauce on bottom, half the spaghetti, spooned ricotta all around, sprinkled some parmesan, and added mushrooms and mozzarella. Topped that off with more sauce and the rest of the pasta. Covered the top with sauce, more parmesan and mozzarella, and some of my favorite spices...covered it with a lid and cooked on medium for about 4-5 minutes, and presto, it was done. Then abracadabra, it was gone!

For dinner I took one of the flatbreads, cut across the middle making a top and bottom. I lined both sides with some provolone. On one side I put pepper strips,onions and mozzarella. The other side I put some of my homemade turkey sausage and then some more of the cheeses. I baked them at 450 for about 4 minutes, then turned the broiler on to cook off the top a little. Joined the two sides and cut into four.
I must tell you I totally enjoyed that also. Some of my pizza sauce heated for dipping makes a good side to go with it. Ooh, ooh, and some red pepper flakes in the sauce. Diced Jalapeños would be most excellent in the mix too! Oh, I am hungry all over again!

Thank you everyone for checking in today! I enjoy sharing my food and recipes with you all. Please feel free to share my blog with your friends and make comments...as long as you are nice about it...no foul language, etc.

God Bless you all! Mike P.