Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Well, looks like I have been had again!

My lunch....Tomato and Basil!

I still hadn't heard from Vanderbilt about seeing the other Dr. there for the EUS. so my wife calls BCBS to see what is happening with it. They say they have no request to see that Dr. as of yet. Okay, I am sitting at home suffering this whole time, wondering how long I will last like this! Well, maybe I am a little dramatic about it, but here is the kicker. They say we just show that you are approved to see the Liver Specialist through the end of the year....ready for the kicker now...approved for OUT OF NETWORK VISITS. Uhm, hello. The whole reason was to get approval for in network because we cannot afford the mounting medical bills already. 
She says the approval department says in network, but the letter they got back says out of network, and we have to go by the letter. So my question is....IS EVERYTHING A SCAM! Question answered I guess! Thanks alot....back to square one!

Anyhow, on a lighter note, I am getting ready to eat something to take my pills with! I made a Pizza with Pineapple, Cinnamon, Honey and Ricotta! I am sure that will make everything go away,  wait, wait, not my readers too, lol!


Love you all, thanks for letting me clear my chest! Wishing everyone a Blessed night! Mike P.

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Me and Harper picking up where we left off yesterday morning. LOL!

Some things never change, lol! Always tired anymore! Can't say we don't have our bonding time!

Mixed some tart cherries and honey with some delicious ricotta my daughter brought me for my breakfast this I could take my pills.

For lunch I made the below scrumptious Pineapple, Ricotta, Honey drizzle and Cinnamon Pizza! My wife wanted pineapple chunks but grabbed the wrong can. Naturally, me being as kind as I am, said I would use it. So happy she made the mistake. See, something good always comes out of a bad situation, and believe me, it was good. 

Did I eat the whole thing you ask, (snicker,snicker) well sure I did. It reminded me of a song...Lovin every minute of it! Oh my, I am just full of humor today! Well, and Pizza!

Since I had the oven on, I went ahead and cooked another pizza dough bread. With half I made a Smoked Mozzarella, Roasted Red pepper and spicy brown mustard sandwich. I saved the other half to toast and put honey on for my meal tonight so I could take my Meds. Didn't get any sandwich pics, you know when you get old the mind is the first thing to go! Apparently, mine packed up and moved out. The upside is, nothing is there to rattle any more! 

Posting these pics just made me hungry all over again.

I wish BCBS would hurry up and approve or turn down another trip to Vandy so I can get something resolved. Everyday I feel weaker and weaker, but at least I still got my sense of humor, even if it is a bad one!

Well, wishing everyone a good and restful night, many Blessings your way, Mike P.

Monday, February 26, 2018

Drooling, and not over food pics, lol!

What started out as this, turned into.....

this. And that was about an hour or two after getting up!

At least my wife was kind enough to wipe the DROOL off of our faces before snapping the pic! Thanks Dear! Since I have been having the bile duct issues, I am like this all the time! Sometimes going to bed two or three times a day! Harper has a cold so she zonked out with her Pop. She was out for a couple of hours, man my shoulder was sore, and her head was on my port the whole time!

This is becoming a familiar scene also! When I am up doing things, I sometimes have to sit for a while in between. Here I was too tired to wait to take a pizza out of the oven, so the chair was a welcomed fixture! And of course Harpie had to be there with me...I created a monster!

I finished the delicious cheesecake pizza for breakfast this morning with several cups of coffee! I have to take some meds with food in the morning and then at night, which works out great for me...another excuse to eat, oh yea! I had a Roasted Red Pepper Pizza for lunch and cooked a pizza dough bread for my dinner while I was at it!


I actually prefer the pizza bread better than the sub rolls. I like the crispy crust and chewiness of it better. Plus I can use the same dough for everything. I even made sugar free cinnamon rolls with it last week. I used honey and cinnamon, and after baking, I drizzled it with more honey! Next time I may drizzle chocolate ganache over them! I never took pics of them, someone ate them before I could! It might have been me, but I will never tell!

I thank you for coming back, many blessings your way, God Bless, Mike P.  Hope to see you again soon!

Look at the talent my helper has!

Sunday, February 25, 2018

Pot Cheese from Cottage Cheese. Cheesecake Pizza from the Pot Cheese. Pink Sauce from the drainage!

Pot cheese is basically a dry version of Cottage Cheese. You put your cottage cheese in a sieve, put a bowl or something like it that has room to push the cheese down to keep weight on it while it drains. I put a 28 can of tomatoes in the bowl for my weight. I then covered everything with a large plastic food bag. You could use plastic wrap also. Let it sit 2-4 hours in frig. if you need it the same day. I let mine sit overnight. Make sure you have room between the sieve and the drain bowl so the sieve doesn't sit in the liquid. I put the sieve over an empty bowl, then used the back of a tablespoon to push the cheese curds through the sieve, making a fine smoother cheese. This cheese is great for Lasagna and Ravioli filling as well because it is drier and won't be as runny!

I drizzled a little honey over the top before baking! I baked it about 15-18 minutes on 400.

Oh, it was so good just plain. Naked Cheesecake Pizza, without toppings that is. I did stir in some cocoa nibs for a little flavor to the filling also!

 I saved the liquid to use for Pink Sauce. I made Spaghetti with Roasted Red Peppers and Mushroom, the Pink Sauce and Smoked Mozzarella. Just take the liquid and add three or four tablespoons of pizza sauce, some extra spices and grated cheese. Put it in the pot with some drained spaghetti and whatever additions you want to add, I topped mine with the Smoked Mozzarella and let it heat through...and Walla, delisioso Spaghetti!

 I reserved some for a Pink Sauce for Pizza too! My waistline says they were both awesome!

I just love a Crispy crust and so does my Granddaughter! The sauce really gave this cheese pizza it's own taste, a good one at that. So the moral of the story is, don't waste the liquid from draining Cottage or Ricotta cheeses!

I guess this blog is a little backwards! I am putting my breakfast last...hahaha! I took a Pizza dough out of the fridge and stretched it into an oblong shape, covered it with plastic wrap and let it sit out for about an hour. I cooked it at 500 for the first 5 minutes on middle rack then lowered the temp to 375 and cooked another ten minutes or so! Sliced it in half while still warm, then drizzled honey on it! They say...Man cannot live by bread alone, so I put the honey, lol! it was soooo good. The inside was soft and sweet from the honey and the outside was crispy and crunchy...the best of both worlds!

I got all cleaned up and decided to reminisce a little, so I put on my Peach Festival Tee shirt I got when I went back to Ruston, La. to help out as a volunteer for the festival. My wife and I both volunteered. That is where it was found that I had cancer, and actually had the tumor removed at Northern Louisiana Hospital. Gotta say Thanks to Judi and Randal Null for their great hospitality, and the one responsible for the check-up that helped find the cancer. And a big thanks to Judy Copeland and Ivana Flowers from the Chamber of Commerce for all they had done for me while I was on my cross country walk!

If you are ever in or around Ruston during the time of the festival, you must go!

Okay, bored yet, lol! I will go and let you all off the hook for now. Many Blessings to you all, 
Mike P.

Saturday, February 24, 2018

My Oldest came with her two kids, well, one had spent the night. We had a pizza day, imagine that, lol!

Completely wore out but I persevered. I had to make dough again, prep the veggies for the pizza's, make the fig and date syrup and chocolate ganache for the dessert pizza and then clean all the dishes. I had to sit to do most of it. What we do for our kids! Made my Grandson a Buffalo Chicken, Pepperoni and Jalapeno Pizza with Ranch and Buffalo Sauce! He said it as delicious, but a little hot. For some reason the Jalapeno's I bought the other day were extra hot!

The fig and date pizza.

Cheesecake filling with cocoa nibs. Topped with the syrup and then sliced figs and dates.

The ganache.

The finished pizza, oh my goodness, that ganache just sets it on fire, sooo good! 

My wife and Granddaughter had just a plain cheese pizza! No pics of them...too boring, lol!

For my Daughter and her husband it was a combo pizza! My daughter also brought some pre dinner snacks and some goodies for me. She even got me two of my favorite chocolate bars, 100% cocoa!

Brie and crackers!

Roasted Eggplant Hummus.

Cantaloupe and Veggies to go with the Hummus.

A bottle of wine and, oh yes, flowers for my wife!

My favorite chocolate  bar sold at Trader Joe's! Oh yum, the best.

Abdomen has been acting up all day and extreme fatigue, not sure how I did it all, but I got through it. Thank goodness my daughter took over the dishes and cleaning when she got here! All in all, it was a good day with family! 

Okay, my fingers are tired of talking. Hope to see you all again soon! God Bless, Mike P.

Friday, February 23, 2018

Apple Pizza, Pepperoni and Jalapeno with Smoked Mozzarella and a White with Jalapeno, Onions, fresh Basil and Tomato Slices!

My Grandson came to spend the night with us old people. I made him a Pepperoni and Jalapeno Pizza with Smoked Mozzarella. Oh the smell in the house.... For myself I made the White Pizza with Onions, Tomatoes, Jalapeno and Smoked Mozzarella.

I made an Apple Dessert Pizza with crumb topping for DY, it is his favorite!

That's all for now. Hope you enjoyed the pics as much as we did the pizza. Abdomen is still in distress, but I survived to cook another day. lol! Move over Food Network, hahaha! 

Thanks so much for coming back, 
blessings everyone, Mike P.