Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Liver, Bile Duct and Pizza! What a combo, lol!

Tonights Pizza after a long day traveling to Vandy and back!
Sure enjoyed my Pizza after getting home tonight!

Well me and my brother Bill made it to Vanderbuilt University Medical Center for an appointment to see about my Liver and Bile Duct with a specialist.

After reviewing my past records and scans she feels the Bile Duct is being blocked from the bottom end and not the Liver based on the way the inflammation is. She wants me to have an endoscopic ultra sound done to check for a blockage from below the Common Bile Duct. She will work on setting up that appointment. I must say she was very kind and patient and even drew a picture of what she was explaining to help me understand.

Now, as far as the cancer in the liver goes, she said I have to many tumors and on both sides of the liver so that would rule out surgery. So I asked about burning or freezing the biggest one. She said in the big picture it wouldn't really help. So basically the cancer in the liver is just what it is. I asked her what she thought my prognosis was concerning the liver cancer...she said, you already out lived your prognosis. You were diagnosed in 2014 and it is now 2018.

So I will for the time being still feel like cr-p until they find where the blockage is and how to treat it from there. She is going to prescribe a med to help break down the billirubin and a low dose antibiotic to keep me from getting septis until they can pinpoint and take care of the blockage problem.

Well..that's all there is to tell for now except thanks for reading and checking in on me, the saga continues! Many blessings and good thoughts to all my family, friends and readers of my blog! God bless, Mike P. over and out!


  1. Keep me posted...sending a package Friday Mike. Wish I had some wise words, but you probably wouldn't listen anyway. Give it to God, he works miracles for those who believe. Just ask and it shall be done. You only need faith the size of a mustard seed.
    Love you, bless you!

    1. Don't send any package little sister! Take care of yourself and your family silly! You and Javier have helped so much already! Listen to your big brother hear me? Love and blessings!
