Monday, February 12, 2018

GI visit and ultra sound report, not really what I was expecting!

Well, I had my first GI appointment with the new doctor. It wasn't what I expected for sure. Basically I have a few possible choices. Have another stint put in, which didn't do anything before to help so it was taken out. Wait till I have a fever and go to ER and have an emergency procedure or the third option IF I am a candidate for, go to a surgeon to see if I would be a candidate for bile duct bypass surgery. Otherwise what is going on will continue. It is just the nature of the cancer. My oncologist sent a referral to Vanderbuilt who called today and said I had to initiate the single case assessment to see if I would be covered to go to find out if I would be a candidate for the surgery. If they turn it down, which could take up to two weeks for an answer, they would have to find someone here for me to see. The doctors would rather me go to Vanderbuilt because they really don't think anyone here would be as qualified.

Well, I asked the doctor, because of the cancer if he thought I would be a candidate or if it would be worth it. His reply was he didnt think so...but that would really be up to the surgeon. So now I will just wait to see if I can go to Vandy or not.

Also the ultra sound I had at the primary care Doctors showed the 1.9 inch tumor is 2.2 inches now. And what took me by surprise there is another 1.77 inch one. No one ever mentioned I had two that size. I know I have several smaller ones...but never knew about that one. And the GI and me didn't even know those results before we had our conversation. Oh well, it is what it is and it is still a waiting game. But I know more from the two new doctors in just a few visits than I did three years with the other doctors.

Rant, rant,rave, rave...okay I am done for now. God bless you all. Have a wonderful night, hasta la vista baby! Mike P. signing off!


  1. Prayers for you Mike! Love you, bless you.

  2. I am sorry Mike! Keep baking those pizza's ❤❤

  3. Why are they not addressing the growing tumors Mike? I am so angry you are getting such well, shitty treatment, guess I better be more specific with my prayers, thanks for the info, glad at least you know more, makes you wonder doesn't it. Off topic, I found out after years of x rays at my dentist I have a wisdom tooth sideways in my jaw, no one else mentioned this? Crazy crap it sure is. I am so mad, you need to get what you need and bullshit with this insurance telling you you cannot have procedures done, makes me beyond angry. Love you, sending prayers.

    1. Calm down...breath...deep breath! Makes you wonder sometimsomes the surgeon would be the one to determine what if anything can be down about the tumors. Other than whole body chemo...I don't want that..yuck! All is good. Love you all!

  4. Stay strong! I love that you have a good attitude. Prayers and love you.
