Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Blood test results from yesterdays Dr. Visit.

Of course my liver enzymes where again off the charts and the billirubin levels were also on the rise. I have some on and off stomach pain, but nothing I can't endure. I feel very tired still, but that goes with the territory. The GI's I wanted to go to had a two month waiting period to be seen. So they found a GI at another hospital that will see me Monday. Well, that is if I don't end up in the emergency room first. Time will tell. Pretty sure the bile duct is clogged. I am also scheduled for an ultra sound on Friday. I guess I will know for sure by then.

Will thanks for checking in, all is good on my end, (I have plenty of pizza dough and sauce) so no! Thinking a chocolate Pizza for Breakfast and some nice hot coffee. Hum, Chocolate and coffee....I am feeling better already! 😂 Many blessings to you all, Mike P.  💒